Get In Touch With Us

Facilitated by Beth Allen & Jeremy Jacobs
Attracting and retaining high-quality people
is one of the most difficult challenges in
business today.
Market conditions for many businesses have never been more challenging. Every business whether they be retail, manufacturing, service or agriculture are being challenged by a volatile world.
Changes in technology and the competitive landscape are leading to pricing pressures and cost challenges that are impacting profitability and customers are turning into competitors.
The speed of these changes is an issue in itself. What took 5 to 10 years in the 80s and 90s, took 3 to 5 years in the ‘00s, and now major strategic changes are occurring in 1 to 2 years.
The key observation for developing and implementing strategy is:
“If you don’t move quickly, someone else will.”
We will consider the global impacts of change, including technology, competitive landscape, cost reduction and opportunity.
We will also test how sound the strategy is, you will develop a good understanding of how to ensure the strategy stays on track, and also the likelihood of the strategy succeeding.
1. Setting the scene: How competitive is the market we are in. What are the dynamics? Are we playing in the right space?
2. Strategic tools for volatile times:How do we develop the right strategies?
3. Implementation: How do we ensure the strategy is implemented?
GreerWalker 10th Floor Training Room
12:00pm: Lunch / Networking with peers
12:30pm: Workshop
4:00pm: Networking Social
GreerWalker 10th Floor Training Room
GreerWalker 10th Floor Training Room
12:00pm: Lunch / Networking with peers
12:30pm: Workshop
4:00pm: Networking Social
Please visit and refer to the FAQ section for all questions and contact information.